Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

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There are many types of insects in nature. In this material, we will tell you about the “ugliest” and most unpleasant insects in the world.

Devil’s Flower Mantis

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

According to scientists, this insect is one of the strangest representatives of the praying mantis species. Adult females can grow up to thirteen centimeters in length. Their coloring is very similar to that of an orchid flower.

Scorpion Fly

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

If you look closely, this insect looks like the result of some kind of genetic experiment. The “stinger” of the insect is actually its genitalia. Due to this peculiar feature, this fly looks very impressive, don’t you think?

Diving Beetle Larvae

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

This is one of the largest predators in freshwater bodies. The larvae have a rare feature of extraintestinal digestion. After grabbing its “food”, the larva dives into the victim’s body and pours digestive juices into it.

Stictocephala Bisonia

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

This insect strongly resembles a common leaf that has fallen from a tree. The body of the Stictocephala bisonia can reach up to ten millimeters in length. There are two sharp protrusions on the insect’s body that the female uses to lay eggs.

Eupackardia Calleta Caterpillar

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

Usually, this insect has a very bright color. The coloring changes depending on the surrounding environment and age. The hairy covering of this insect looks very dangerous.

Tailless Whip Scorpions

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

Tailless whip scorpions belong to the order of amblypygi arachnids. They inhabit the entire globe. These scorpions are simply terrifying in appearance. According to researchers, the span of their legs can range from five to fifty centimeters.

Alligator-Headed Lanternfly

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

Just look at this tiny butterfly (up to nine centimeters in length) that looks like a small winged crocodile. What an inventive nature we have!

Siafu (Dorylus)

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

These ants live in colonies in East Africa. They are predators that constantly move from place to place and eat all invertebrate insects in their path.

Camel Spiders

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

Camel spiders are insects of impressive size. These spiders usually inhabit Egypt and other states. The spider (Solpuga) can reach up to fifteen centimeters in length. It develops speed up to sixteen kilometers per hour.

Rosy Maple Moth

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

It is known for its very bright pink and yellow color. Maple moths have a fairly small wingspan: thirty-two millimeters for males and forty millimeters for females. Males have antennae with which they detect pheromones. Their caterpillars feed on maple leaves.

Caterpillar Megalopyge Opercularis

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

It looks very strange in the “teenage” period. It resembles a piece of ordinary wool. It is worth mentioning that the caterpillar’s hairs are very poisonous. If touched, it will be very painful. You can even end up in the hospital.

Japanese Giant Hornet

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

It is the most ruthless insect on our planet. This hornet shoots venom. The giant insect aims directly at the eyes. Its goal is to blind the victim. In Japan, up to forty people die every year from hornet “shots.”

Giant Water Bugs

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

Just the word alone brings back unpleasant memories and sensations. They have an unbearable smell and feed on human blood. These giant water bugs can be up to fifteen centimeters long.

Panda Ants

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

They belong to the Mutillidae class. Female individuals resemble very large hairy ants. They inhabit Chile. There, panda ants are called cow killers.

Hypoderma Bovis

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

They inject larvae under the skin of an animal or human. The foreign body can only be removed by performing a very complex operation. An allergic reaction after the injection of botfly larvae venom can cause anaphylactic shock in a person.

Latrodectus Tredecimguttatus

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

This is one of the most dangerous spiders in Eastern Europe. The poison is very toxic and dangerous, especially for people prone to allergies.


Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

Humans should avoid centipedes. The venom of these insects is not lethal but will cause very painful sensations. When it comes into contact with the skin, it produces a burn.


Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

This is the most poisonous and quite ugly-looking scorpion. These insects live in the regions of the Middle East and Africa. The deadly sting of Androctonus injects neurotoxins into the victim’s blood in an instant. They are life-threatening!

Army Ant

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

Army ants move only in massive colonies, sweeping and eating everything in their path. They are simply creepy creatures. And they look terrifying.

Africanized Bee

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

This bee is considered the most aggressive in the world. Specialists do not recommend getting too close to the insect hives. They, sensing danger, will pursue and sting anyone.

Scutigera Coleoptrata

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

It hunts flies, cockroaches, spiders and other small arthropods. Active both day and night. He moves very fast and scares people with his appearance. But it’s not dangerous for them.


Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

This is a very dangerous caterpillar. People call it the “lazy clown.” Tourists like it because Leucanella is very beautiful. But appearance is deceptive!

Brazilian Treehopper

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

This is a small insect with bumps on its back. It can be of different shapes – with balls, horns, combs. The tubercles have an important function – they protect the insect from the attack of various predators.

Wheat Aphid

Caution: The Most Terrible Insects on Earth

It is very small – only two millimeters long. Aphids have a spindle-shaped body, antennae, and a double tail… It can actually be called an example of ugliness…